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Alain Marty - Founder and CEO of Wine & Business Club
& Networking Premium Group

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  • Alain Marty, graduated from the IPAG Business School - Paris, created his first company exporting luxury products to China at the age of 20.


  • In 1991, he creates the Circle Wine Business is a leading club in Europe, with 1,100 business leaders in 10 cities (Paris, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Tours, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Luxembourg).









  • Moreover, he is the founder & president of Strategy Club, of the Circle of Ambassadors of Trouville-sur-Mer and of Rugby Business Club… He is also vice-president of the Catalans de Paris

  • Since 1994, Alain Marty is also the author of seven books "Réseaux d'influence – Le guide du networking en France", published by Editions du Cherche-Midi, the 8th edition of which will be published in December 2024.



  • In 2022, he created the Networking Premium Group which has three businesses:

    • ​​Outplacement / Networking​

    • Training / Networking

    • Recruitment / Board Member

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Since 1991, Alain Marty has interviewed more than 5,000 personalities :

Christine Lagarde, Frédéric Oudéa, Henri de Castries, Jean-Louis Beffa, Matthieu Pigasse, Yannick Bolloré, Bruno Lafont, Michel-Edouard Leclerc, Rachida Dati, Stéphane Richard, Guillaume Pepy, Xavier Fontanet, Jean-Marie Messier, Clara Gaymard, Jacques Attali, Jean-Bernard Lévy, Pierre-André de Chalendar, Thierry Breton, Nicolas de Tavernost, Gilles Pélisson, Jean-Paul Agon, Pierre Gattaz, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, Patrick Pouyanné…

He has thus built up an address book of more than 10,000 business leaders in Europe.

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  • A football and rugby lover, Alain Marty created in 2006 the Rugby Business Club which brings together more than 500 business leaders who are sports fans.

  • The Club's monthly evenings welcome personalities: Eric Dupond-Moretti, David Douillet, Michel Desjoyeaux, Nelson Monfort, Bruno Marie-Rose, Eric Bayle, Francis Joyon, Jean-Pierre Papin, Christophe Tiozzo, Arnaud Boetsch, Philippe Candeloro, Alain Afflelou, Muriel Hurtis, Amaury Leveaux, Jean Le Cam, Esteban Ocon, Yannick Agnel, Jacques-Henri Eyraud, Claude Onesta, Paul Goze, Fabien Pelous, Mourad Boudjellal, Serge Betsen, Romain Poite, Mohamed Altrad, Didier Lacroix, Laurent Marti, Abdelatif Benazzi, Franck Mesnel, Bernard Laporte, Max Guazzini, Yann Delaigue, Thomas Lombard …

  • He also hosted the «Business 365» TV show on Sport 365 TV.


Grandson of a winegrower, Alain Marty is the author They're going to kill French wine! (Éditions Ramsay), a ruthless and controversial work dealing with the French wine crisis: reform of AOCs, EVIN law, competition from New World countries, marketing issues, the fight against 0 g / l, wood chips, subsidies Europeans, Robert Parker, brands, wine and health, the ANPAA dictate ...


In 2020, his 12th book Œnotourisme et Spiritueux has published by Eyrolles in France and all around the world.


Since 2004, Alain Marty has been producing and presenting In Vino, a weekly radio show dedicated to wine and gastronomy. Initially broadcast on BFM Business, it is now broadcast on Sud radio and InVinoRadio.TV.

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He regularly signs columns in the written press, in particular in the magazines FORBES, ECORESEAU and VSD.



In 2016, he created a production company BtoB Radio TV which has raised 1.8 million euros and aims to become the world number 1 in BtoB podcasts. It has a qualified DATA composed of more than 200,000 CEOs and decision-makers by function. 

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Alain Marty has invested in a dozen companies, including "LACARAF" and "TRAINING SERIES"

Alain Marty

4, place de Wagram 75017 Paris - France

T.: +33 (0) 1 85 65 97 28

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© 2023 Alain Marty

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